Friday, July 19, 2013

Five On Friday: Kitchen Tables, Country Boys and Adam Sandler

Pretty much sums it up don't you think?!
Well it is time for the good ol' Five On Friday link-up. I know I have done a link up every post this week but sometimes that is just what happens. Today I am going to do my five on all the randomness that is buzzing around in my head!
1. I  have decided I am going to give my kitchen table, coffee table and two end tables a major makeover. I know, sounds crazy but it has got to happen. All of our furniture is just a hodge-podge of things that people have given us over the years and it kills me that nothing matches. But we are young, broke, newlyweds who cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on furniture so I am extremely grateful for what we have been given. My husband rolls his eyes whenever I mention a project like this. He always says that we should keep it like it is and in a few years we will buy new furniture but why do that when we have perfectly good things that could look brand new with a little facelift!? I know this is going to be a lot of work but I am up for the challenge!
This table is what my dreams are made of. I am dying to do turquoise but I don't know if I can really commit to that. I love the chairs too.
love, love, love
As much as I love all of the color this is probably more along the lines of what I will do. I just feel like I would regret it around fall and Christmas when I want to change my décor. What do you think? Should I bite the bullet and paint it turquoise, or go with the more neutral choice?
{All images via Pinterest }
2. As y'all probably know my sister is going to college this year! Now that she is finally graduated and I can talk about it without crying, I am so excited! I think more than anything I am excited to help her decorate her dorm lol. I may or may not be living vicariously through her since I never got to have the whole go away to college/live in a dorm experience but whatever!
I love how this one is styled but the biggest thing is the window with the pictures and the desk.
This is another gorgeous one. We are thinking about doing the shutter headboard!
I really like the curtains for privacy in this one.
{once again all images via Pinterest }
3. Y'all know here in the South we are all about some front porch sittin'. Well a few years ago I went to my old boss's house and on the porch they had a swing/bed and I fell in love. I could just imagine curling up with a book, a glass of tea and wasting my whole day right there on that porch. I told Paul that day that whenever we had a house I had to have one of these. Since then I have seen all different versions floating around on Pinterest and it is about time we cross this project off the honey-do list!
This is the one I was talking about, seriously how cozy does that look?! And that is my beautiful cousin Abby, we were at the house for her wedding!
I really love this one that I found on Pinterest
4. I know I shared one of their videos last week but the Jeb Stuart Band has gone and done it again! Y'all please take a second and listen to these boys they are just a couple of homegrown, insanely talented young men.

5. I know y'all are probably wondering why Adam Sandler's name is in my title. Well that is because he is filming a movie literally right by my house! It is a new movie called "Blended" with Drew Barrymore and they started filming in South Africa now they are filming right here in Buford/Lake Lanier area! I kept seeing on Facebook this week that people were posting pictures with him and saying that they were allowing people to come watch filming and Adam would come across the tracks and talk to everyone. So last night I decided to ride down there since it is right down the road and I got there just in time to see him pull away, dang it. This lady said he had just spent about 15 minutes speaking to everyone and taking pictures and that he was super sweet! One of their next locations is set up right across the street from my house so maybe when they move there we will go watch! I'm definitely not going to go all stalker on them but how often is there a movie filmed across from your house (well unless you live in Hollywood or something)! I heard today they were going to Gwinnett to film at Hooters haha.
Y'all have a good weekend!



  1. Painting & reviving what furniture you have is amazing. My hubby and I are working on the same types of projects! Also, the drapes for privacy in a dorm room is such a good idea.

  2. I love all these ideas and I have ALWAYS dreamed of a hanging bed on a porch...what is more southern than a nice big front porch with all the fixings so to speak!?

  3. I LOVE the front forch bed :)
    You could sleep out there!!!
    Redo your furniture! I'll come and help!

  4. I love the turquoise furniture! I don't know if my fiancé would ever agree to it though and I'm like you I would probably want to change it up every know and then so I'd probably go more neutral for the furniture and then spice everything up with turquoise accents if that's the colors you're loving!

    Also, I love that you live in Gwinnett! That's where my fiancé is originally from (Grayson, GA) and I can't wait until we can finally move back to the Peach State.

  5. I was laughing when I read your number 1, I'm the same way and my fiance reacts the same when I bring up these "extravagant" projects. But your idea sounds so cute, and I love your inspiration photos. When we moved into our humble abode we "re-finished" a few pieces of our furniture and I loved the finished product! Can't wait to see what yours comes out as...good luck!
