Friday, August 16, 2013

Five On Friday

Hey y'all! I know I have been a horrible blogger this week but sometimes you don't have anything worth writing. I am so happy today because it is my last day of work for 9 days ! I have went on and on about my staycation so much that I know y'all are sick of me so all I am going to say today is that I am excited!

As always I am linking up with the girls for Five On Friday!

1} So I am a total "online window shopper". Is that even a thing? Well for me it is. I follow all of these insanely overpriced  precious boutiques online and make a mental wishlist of all the beautiful things I will buy as soon as my money tree sprouts! I rarely ever buy anything because I just cannot stomach spending that many dolla's on one piece of clothing but yesterday something happened. I got on Facebook for my morning scroll and I came across something that stopped me in my path. This dress was so gorgeous I just knew I HAD to have it. I even sent a pic to the hubs and he loved it too so I knew it was fate. I made myself think on it for at least an hour on it to make sure that I really loved it and of course I did. So I added it to my cart, clicked that pretty little order button and got hit with 3 evil red words out of stock. Um, excuse me?! Out of stock after only 1 hour of being live?! That is ridiculous. So I emailed them and asked to be put on the restock notification list and she so sweetly said that they would not be restocking it because it was a limited edition. *Waaahhh* The one time I decide to really splurge on something for myself and this is my luck! So I have got my super awesome friend Deven who just opened her own boutique (Treehouse Boutique) scouring the boutique fashion world for my dream dress. Yes I know it is just a dress and it is not even all that and a bag of chips but I love it.
this picture doesn't show it but it also has a slit up to the knee, so pretty.
2} I know I said I wasn't going to mention my Staycation again but I kind of am but only 1 day of it! I cannot wait for Tuesday, not only are we getting TV & internet that day {yaaay} but I am also moving my Little into her dorm! I am so dang excited. I am also excited about her DIY shutter headboard that we made {tutorial coming soon} and I reallllyy hope we can make it work!
3} I saw this video today and it has got me SO hyped. All I can say is GO DAWGS!!!!!!!

4} I have noticed lately after a long day of shooting that my neck is killing me from the weight of my camera. So I have decided that I really need a padded camera strap cover. I am thinking I can convince my Nanny to make me one or I might just order one of these adorable ones!
{1} Paisley Maizie {2} The Quilted Valkyrie

5} My little Hank has been scratching non-stop the past month or so. It is so bad he has given himself bald spots on his head and back. And on his tummy there are a bunch of little bumps some even get all puss filled like pimples. I have tried hot spot spray and the relieves him for a little bit but once it wears off he starts scratching again. Idk if it is something that is blooming that he is allergic to or if it is more serious and he needs to go to the vet. Any advice?
I just can't handle my little sweets looking all mangy!
Y'all have a good weekend!!!


  1. Our dog also gets seasonal allergies and my vet recommended benadryl with food when she's super itchy. Since your guy is smaller, probably half at a time would do the trick! If that doesn't work, he may need something stronger.
    Have fun on your staycation! :)

  2. Girl you have to get yourself a camera strap!! Feels SO much better!!

  3. such a bummer about the dress, it's so cute and I like that it has sleeves so you can wear it into lucky that you have a friend with a boutique!

    1. Yes it is killing me! I know, I hope she can find it!!

  4. Have you changed your pups shampoo? I too recommend half a pill of Benadryl! Happy Friday and happy almost staycation!!

    1. I haven't tried that but I will! Would you recommend regular or baby Benadryl, he is only 10 lbs?

  5. Like the women said above me, half of a Benadryl should be fine with your pup.

    PS: LOVE THE UNCLE SI pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I have tried the Benadryl and it is working like a charm, thank you!

  6. Girl I can't tell you how many times I've hesitated to buy something and see those three devilish words!!! So frustrating! Don't give up, it's out there somewhere!-)

  7. love the dress!! and hate those 3 words!!!

    new follower!

  8. Hey! Just found your blog and I LOVE IT! Very happy to be following :)

    <3, Charlotte
