Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday Link Up

Happy Thursday y'all! First I want to say thank you to all the kind ladies who left their words of encouragement on my last post. It truly means a lot to have your support and I love the blog world for allowing me to have those relationships!
That being said, if you are interested in doing the Throwback Thursday link-up all you need to do is grab this button, insert it into your post, link up your blog below and share your favorite throwback pictures with us!
Today will most likely be the last day of this linkup. Unfortunately it just didn't seem to interest many people and I am about to have to start paying for the linky subscription so I think I will just discontinue it. Thank you to all of those who did join in, I think it went pretty well for my first link up!
My throwback today is dedicated to spring break my senior year of high school! Seeing all these pictures of kids on their spring breaks had me feeling nostalgic about the only real spring break trip I ever took. It was pretty much madness and you could not pay me to do it again. Whoever decided that high school seniors were responsible enough to overtake pretty much an entire city with little to no supervision for an entire week had to have been out of their mind. Of course we went to Panama City along with the rest of our (and every other) senior class so it was pretty much high school on the beach.
These pictures also allow me to reminisce about the body that I will never have ever again lol.
We had to take two cars because of how much food we had! It covered the entire backseat and there was some in the trunk hah. (none of it made it back home)
These girls were my life in high school! Unfortunately we have all grown our separate ways now but when we do see each other it is like we never skipped a beat from this moment!
We danced on stage and thought we were SO cool!
 And of course spent A LOT of time working on our tans!
What is a beach trip without burying someone in the sand! This someone just happens to be my stepbrother lol.
Of course when you put 6 girls into a hotel room there is bound to be some drama. But overall we managed to have a great time and made a lot of truly great memories!
What was your favorite spring break trip?


  1. Look at that hot body ;) you look adorable! Thanks for hosting all these! I enjoyed it! :)

  2. Oh my goooooosh! Now I need a beach trip, stat! And it doesn't feel like it now, but you CAN get your body back! It won't be exactly the same (I'm mostly devastated about my sorry mom boobs these days, ha ha!) but you can totally feel good about yourself and your fitness! I promise! It's not easy! But you can make it happen :)

    1. Thank you! I sure hope I can fight lousy genetics and get back in shape post baby!
