Thursday, March 6, 2014

24-25 Week Bumpdate!

 Baby Size: Cauliflower lol how odd.

Weight Gain: I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight. So I have officially gained back the 10 lbs I lost in the first trimester but so far no extra.

Maternity Clothes: All bottoms are either maternity or yoga pants. Shirts are still mainly normal with a few maternity.

Stretch Marks: No amount of cocoa butter has kept the stretch marks off my stomach. Oh well.

Belly Button In or Out: In but SUPER shallow.

Sleep: Still not having much luck in the sleep department.

Best Moment This Week: Hearing that sweet heartbeat at the doctor!
Worst Moment This Week: I have had a lot of muscle and ligament pain so that hasn't been too pleasant. But I feel like my belly really popped so that kinda explains that!
Miss Anything?: Sleep and tanning bed lol
Craving: Coke..
Queasy or sick?:A little nauseous from the acid reflux.

Symptoms: Muscle pains, sleeplessness, acid reflux, leg cramps and my feet keep falling asleep lol. The past two weeks have definitely been the most dramatic as far as changes go!  
Looking Forward To: Picking up the crib and dresser this weekend!
Mood: Tired but happy!
Movement: Sooo much! We were actually just watching her roll all over my belly!

Doctors Appointments: We had one last week and it went great! Blood pressure was perfect, heartbeat and measurements were right on track! I can not say enough how much I love my doctors. They recommend we see every doctor in the practice {for obvious reasons) and at first I didn't think that I would like anyone better than our first doctor. But last week I was quickly proved wrong. I talked to the first doctor about my concerns with my Mom's heart condition, he was very attentive and said he would monitor me in the third trimester. I had no idea whether or not he put that in my chart or shared it with the other doctors. Well I had been having some palpitations (which is normal in pregnancy) but I still wanted to mention them at the appointment. We were seeing a new doctor this time and he asked if I had any concerns. So I said, "I don't know if it is in there (pointed to my chart) but my Mom had po-..." and he cut in with "postpartum cardiomyopathy. yes from what I read your  mother got very sick very quick. That is tragic, I am so sorry about that." Then continued to listen to my heart and tell me that everything was completely normal but they would still do tests in the third trimester. It meant so much to me that he had actually taken the time to really pay attention to my history and the condition. I know that is probably normal procedure but most of the time doctors treat you like a number instead of a person. So it means a lot to feel like the ones who are responsible for bringing my baby girl into this world truly care about the both of us! The end of this month is the dreaded glucose test..


  1. congrats on your pregnancy. glad to read things are going great. and hope they continue. I'm craving coke too but i'm not preggo. just trying to give it up at least for 40 days of lent LOL. I'm a Georgia peach too. one thing we have in common. Do you still live in Georgia if so where? i'm 3 hours south of Atlanta. if that tells you anything LOL. i'm your newest follower now.

    Would love for you to come join my hop @

  2. I'm in love with that color on you! Definitely should be your spring color of choice this season. :) Belly is getting so big!!!

    1. Well thank you ma'am! I will have to see if I can find some more of it!

  3. So happy you have wonderful doctors. Absolutely makes a difference!! You have most definitely popped!!

    1. It really does! I really have! I never thought I would be excited about a big ol belly lol

  4. You are absolutely precious!! I'm so glad to hear your doctors are compassionate and caring. Sounds like you make a great choice! XOXO

  5. Blogging around and found your blog. So glad to see you blogging so many deserted blogs these days. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Thank you for letting me visit.
