Friday, October 18, 2013

Five On Friday: Fall Photoshoot

I love getting professional pictures taken whenever I can find an excuse. In my opinion every couple/family should have them taken at least twice a year. Pictures are the perfect way to watch your family change and grow! Paul and I already have probably thousands of pictures together but you can bet your bottom dollar that will not be stopping me from taking 10,000 more throughout our lifetime! Next week we are having our fall pictures taken and I am in serious need of some outfit inspiration! Here are some of my Pinterest finds! 
1} I love the flowy white top, dark jeans and boots.
2} Perfect!
3} This is so cute and fun. The good thing is I already have everything but the scarf for this outfit!
Double Denim

4} Love, love, love this outfit. Pretty & simple.
5} I try to stay away from prints for photo shoots but I love this sweater!
I know this is another lack-luster Five post but I have had serious writers block lately! Sorry folks, you get what you get.



  1. Great outfits!

    Stopping by from the link up!

  2. Loving big flowy sweaters this fall too!! I am hoping to find a great black/tan or white sweater soon:) Happy Friday!

    1. They're so comfy, I am on the hunt as well! Have a good weekend!

  3. GREAT outfits, love them all! And I totally agree, family photo shoots twice a year are definitely a must. Maybe even three or four, haha!

    1. 3 or 4 is more of my truth too lol! Glad someone else agrees with me!

  4. hey doll! couldn't agree more with you about pictures. i love them so so so so much! professional pics are just THE best and i love displaying them in our home. :)

    you will rock any of those outfits!! i (seriously) like them all! and if y'all tend to make professional photos a priority, why not venture out a little bit and jazz it up with the funky sweater. for fun!! :)


    1. Me too! I have very few that aren't professional up in our house, maybe that is just the photographer in me!

      Thank you! Changing it up sounds like a great idea!

  5. I've slacked on my blog reading this weekend due to my sister's wedding but I wanted you to know we are taking family pictures Friday and you have really inspired me with her outfit ideas! Thanks so much! :)

  6. Thanks so much for this post!! We have our fall family photo shoots next weekend and I really needed some ideas on what to wear. LOVE the turquoise pants.. but I'll probably stick with something similar to the 1st picture only because I have everything except the sweater. I'll be searching for a similar one:)
