Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Getting To Know Me From A-Z {aka the lazy post}

Everyday this week I have clicked that little pencil button and stared at this blank screen trying to come up with something to write and nothing. Nothing comes to my mind. I am choosing to blame exhaustion after 4 straight days of photo shoots {not complaining, I am completely blessed} I am seriously exhausted. So today I saw this fun little survey that Kelley did and decided that it was a perfect solution to my "blogging block"!
A: Attached or Single? As attached as you can get! {married}
B: Best Friend? I am blessed to have several "bests'' in my life! I could do a whole post on my "best" people but for now I will do my top 3!
Hubs, Little & Lauren
C: Cake or pie? Pie. But I don't like fruit pie I really only like Pecan or Peanut Butter Pie!
D: Day of choice? Hm.. Sunday. Because I get to go to church and spend the day with family!
E: Essential item? Just one? Camera
F: Favorite color? Turquoise
G: Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears!
H: Hometown? Clayton,GA
I: Favorite indulgence? I am not putting a food b/c lezbihonest  I indulge in all food. Let's go with shopping!
J: January or July? July!!
K: Kids? Absolutely! I love those tiny humans and can't wait to have one of my own!
L: Life isn’t complete without? Family, friends, pictures and cheese dip!
M: Marriage date? 5-12-12
N: Number of brothers/sisters? One sister, one step-sister and two step-brothers
O: Oranges or Apples? Mandarin oranges!
P: Phobias/Fears? The dark! Not so much the not being able to see but the creeps that come out and do bad things at night. {yes I watched too much SVU growing up}
Q: Quotes? I am a quote junkie! This is always a favorite!
R: Reasons to smile? I have so many, I am truly blessed!
S: Season of choice? Absolutely, positively, 100% Fall!! Hoodies, football, festivals, all things pumpkin, boots, sweaters, Thanksgiving, changing leaves! I could go on and on!
T: Tag 5 People. Eh,nah. If you read this and want to do it, go ahead!
U: Unknown fact about me? I can burp on command, belch really. Loud, long, I can say things, yeah its pretty nasty.
V: Vegetable? Favorite would probably be cucumber but I love most of them!
W: Worst habit? Popping my knuckles!! I have huge sausage fingers because of it.
X: Xray or Ultrasound? Um this is weird. But preferably one day an ultrasound because there will be a little bitty in my tummy!
Y: Your favorite food? Oh gosh this is impossible for this fatty. I love my Granny's chicken casserole and grilled chicken burritos with queso and lots of jalapenos!

Z: Zodiac sign? Gemini!
Well that was easy! Maybe later this week I will have some sneak peeks of the shoots I did this weekend or at least something interesting to talk about!

I switched my Bloglovin account because it was linked to the wrong email account. So I will change the button and if you were following on the old one please do again!
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  1. You're making Fall sound even better! Last week as it rained all day and was 60 degrees I was kind of itchy for it. I always feel like people are happier in the Fall months!

    1. You're so right! I am definitely one of those people!

  2. This was the perfect post for me to find as I get to know you better these next few weeks! :) I love that quote - it's one of my faves. And i LOVE mandarin oranges. They're the best :)


  3. 908A0C752FJoseph50BD29FB09January 1, 2025 at 5:07 AM

    takipçi almak
